Using your awesome computer skills, you have put a reserve on "
I kissed a zombie, and I liked it", which is currently available at the South Side Library. You jump on your scooter, speed to South Side, check the holds shelf and ...what? Your book is not waiting for you! What is up with that? Here's how our hold process works:
"we retrieve materials from our shelves at least twice per day and we deliver items among branches, but there may be a delay in getting your hold on the shelf waiting for you. Please wait until you have been notified the item is available. If you need something more immediately, please call (515) 283.4152, extension 3 and speak with one of our librarians about expedited service." So if you don't need it right this second, go ahead and reserve your heart's desire online. But if 'right this second' is your time frame, give us a call!
How to place a reserve.
1 comment:
Most informative-and cool!
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