I don't do much cooking for the holidays, but I do like to make sweets. Imagine that! Today we are going to learn about ... sigh. I really don't have a good name for these things. They have a little bit of paraffin in the coating so my family calls them 'wax balls'. Doesn't that sound yummy? Yet they are the most-requested treat! They are chockfull of goodness - crunchy peanut butter, coconut, butter, chopped dates, powdered sugar - all mixed up, rolled into balls and covered in melted chocolate chips. With a tiny amount of paraffin in the chocolate to help keep that chocolate from melting. OK, they're still a little melty. Possible name: Chewy Chocolate-covered Peanut Butter Drops. Which does not convey the deliciousness. Any suggestions?
They are greeeeaaaat!
How about Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Balls. And this is the real anonymous!
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