At one time Iowa was crawling with railroad depots. You couldn't throw a cow catcher without hitting one even in the small, I mean small, towns. From the amazing Iowa Heritage Digital Collections, Exhibit A here is a photo of a depot in Livermore, Iowa. Population not so big. It says MSTL under the picture and that stands for Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad. I didn't even know that railroad ever existed! Not one of your top ten carriers, but hey, it stopped in Livermore. Here's a fun book for you on the topic: Regional railroads of the Midwest. The pictures are in color! Go nuts!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Graphic source: ERBzine
Monday, March 29, 2010
Is it Here Yet? Baseball Season

Friday, March 26, 2010
My Top Picks for 2009 - TV
Fringe: Weird but not completely inscrutable. And riiiight up until the latest episode when Olivia broke down into "I'm frightened Auntie Em mode", one of the best female leads on TV. Best mad scientist ever.
House: Relationships are all well and good, but medical mysteries are the real draw for me! I just don't want them to get too repetitive. I think we've had an-exotic-bug-passed-on-by-an-act-of-infidelity twice so far.
Medium: Love the family - I think it's the most realistic one on television. How odd is that? Plus they get a billion bonus points for starring an actress who has gained weight and it's a complete non-issue.
Supernatural: OK, Sam mopes too much but Dean is willing to make a complete fool of himself (pudding!) and I love monsters.
Aren't you relieved now? All this time you've been wondering what I thought. Happy watching!
Fringe. The complete first season
House M.D. Season one
Medium. The complete first season
Supernatural. The complete first season
House: Relationships are all well and good, but medical mysteries are the real draw for me! I just don't want them to get too repetitive. I think we've had an-exotic-bug-passed-on-by-an-act-of-infidelity twice so far.
Medium: Love the family - I think it's the most realistic one on television. How odd is that? Plus they get a billion bonus points for starring an actress who has gained weight and it's a complete non-issue.
Supernatural: OK, Sam mopes too much but Dean is willing to make a complete fool of himself (pudding!) and I love monsters.
Aren't you relieved now? All this time you've been wondering what I thought. Happy watching!
Fringe. The complete first season
House M.D. Season one
Medium. The complete first season
Supernatural. The complete first season
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Phoning it In

Source: Des Moines Tribune, 7/28/1929 p. 1-2
Available on microfilm at the Central Library, 1000 Grand Ave.
Graphic Source: Old Picture of the Day
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Be the Boss of You
Are you interested in starting your own home-based business? I know there's nothing like being your own boss! Think of all the authority you'd have over you. Sheer power! The East Side Library has added a nifty set of books to their collection, just for you. They're targeted to specific businesses and will be more helpful than a general guide.
How to start a home-based handyman business /
How to start a home-based housecleaning business /
How to start a home-based interior design business.
How to start a home-based jewelry making business /
How to start a home-based senior care business /
How to start a home-based handyman business /
How to start a home-based housecleaning business /
How to start a home-based interior design business.
How to start a home-based jewelry making business /
How to start a home-based senior care business /
Monday, March 22, 2010
Book Sale at the East Side Library
Yay! It's time for the Friends of the East Side Library's much-anticipated annual book sale. It runs through Saturday March 27 and you can buy: books, DVD's, videos, magazines, records! What are "records"? Actually they're becoming collector's items rather than functioning as musical recordings. If you pick up some records at the sale you can check their value with this nifty item: Records & prices / edited by Peter Lindblad. Now run along and have fun shopping for incredible, colossal deals!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Friday Fun - Words Words and did I mention Words?
Remember Reader's Digest's 'Increase Your Vocabulary' feature? Old much? For all I know they still have it, but this is a more entertaining method of increasing your vocabulary. "Why would I want to learn new words?" I hear you ask. It's a game. It's fun. As a bonus, when you get words right the folks who run the site will donate a certain number of grains of rice to the World Food Programme. There, you've learned something already. Program can be spelled with two m's. If you're British. Maybe if you're lucky you'll play on a day when 'spline' is one of the words! Spline! Where else do you get that kind of quality edification?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Late Late Craig
But he's still alive!
Remember when Craig Ferguson got the job as host of the Late Late Show? We were all like, what's up with the guy from Drew Carey ? Where'd he come from? Turns out he came from interesting places. He was born and raised on the mean streets of Glasgow, Scotland and they were really mean. Gangs and lots of fighting and Ferguson in the thick of it. Then there's the usual addiction and alcoholism, relationships ruined by the aforementioned; next the cleaning up and the finding true love as a reformed older guy. The man fairly twinkles now. Ferguson is very funny and candid which makes for a peppy biography. You gotta love the cover!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
St. Patrick's Day!
Oh, the festivities! If you remember to do one thing today, here it is: teach your friends to say "Iocfaidh mise don gach rud!" It's pronounced "uck-igg misha dun gock rud" and it means "I will pay for everything!" This is from The Information about Ireland Site and I'm sure they would not lead us astray. Just don't say it yourself. Maybe write it down for your vict - I mean, friends! For more fun with words like eibhrionnach (a gelded goat) and and tapaidheachd (See tapachd) we have for you the Gaelic Dictionaries. You'll love 'em.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Ah, the fine art of taxidermy. I know you don't hear about it as much as you used to. We can fix that with this. "Martha Dartt Maxwell (born 1831, died 1881) was one of the first American women field naturalists and among the first American women to collect and display her own animal specimens." Let me translate that for you. Maxwell, a lifelong vegetarian, shot the animals and mounted her own catches. Just incidentally, she was 5 feet tall. "Maxwell is credited as the first taxidermist to pose specimens in a natural position, thus ensuring that natural history displays in museums had authenticity." So this wee deadly vegetarian changed the course of taxidermical history. Now that I have your attention, feast your eyes on our taxidermy books. If for no other reason than to answer the eternal question, 'huh?'.
Still life : adventures in taxidermy
Other Delightful Taxidermy Books
Source: Biography Resource Center
Suggested by Marci Behm
Still life : adventures in taxidermy
Other Delightful Taxidermy Books
Source: Biography Resource Center
Suggested by Marci Behm
Monday, March 15, 2010
Marched Reading
Ah, the WPA. What couldn't they do? Here's a gorgeous poster from the talented hands of some nameless artist in the employ of the Works Progress Administration. It was produced for an Illinois reading promotion, circa 1941. And rightly depicts books we all mean to read. Your Tolstoy, your Dumas, your Thackeray. But there's so much fun reading material stacked on your nightstand. So it's not a bad idea to set aside one month a year for books that take some effort. Start with Thackeray. He's only got one blockbuster, so knock off Vanity Fair and you're done!
Tolstoy, Leo
Dumas, Alexandre
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division WPA
Tolstoy, Leo
Dumas, Alexandre
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division WPA
Friday, March 12, 2010
Friday Fun Name that Candy Bar

A good book to read whilst eating chocolaty treats:
The emperors of chocolate : inside the secret world of Hershey and Mars
Thursday, March 11, 2010
It's WAY Too Soon - Daylight Savings Time
This Sunday, March 14 is the kickoff of Daylight Savings Time. We're supposed to 'spring' forward in the middle of March. It's just cruel. How about a little factoid to go with. Here's a quote from the Old Farmer's Almanac for gardeners, you eternal optimists:
"Planting by the Moon? Above-ground crops are planted during the light of the Moon (new to full); below-ground crops are planted during the dark of the Moon (from the day it is full to the day before it is new again). Planting is done in the daytime; planting at night is optional!"
I hope this clears things up for you.
The Old farmer's almanac
Old Farmer's
"Planting by the Moon? Above-ground crops are planted during the light of the Moon (new to full); below-ground crops are planted during the dark of the Moon (from the day it is full to the day before it is new again). Planting is done in the daytime; planting at night is optional!"
I hope this clears things up for you.
The Old farmer's almanac
Old Farmer's
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Now Wait a Minute

The perfect closet : and other storage ideas
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
What's With the Hair? Gibson's Girl

Biography Resource Center
Monday, March 8, 2010
Why me?

Men who knit & the dogs who love them : 30 great-looking designs for man & his best friend
Friday, March 5, 2010
Joke Week: Suddenly and Without Warning
There were the Smothers Brothers. They had been around in the 50's, when their humor came from making fun of brothers and folk singers. Tom's ad-libbed "Mom always liked you best!" is so much a part of our national language it seems like it's always been around. The last verse of the folk classic "My Old Man's a Sailor" had Dick spitting out: "My old man's a cotton-pickin, finger-lickin, chicken plucker." Just for fun. Then everything changed, and the brothers produced humor that was critical of the establishment.
Tom: We spend over 50 billion dollars a year on defense. We don't need more allies.
Dick: Well, what do we need?
Tom: We need... more enemies.
Pretty mild, which is why it aired. They segued from the squeakiest of clean folk comedy to what was at the time unacceptably negative counter-culture comedy. For more on the show and the brothers read:
Dangerously funny : the uncensored story of the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour
Tom: We spend over 50 billion dollars a year on defense. We don't need more allies.
Dick: Well, what do we need?
Tom: We need... more enemies.
Pretty mild, which is why it aired. They segued from the squeakiest of clean folk comedy to what was at the time unacceptably negative counter-culture comedy. For more on the show and the brothers read:
Dangerously funny : the uncensored story of the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour
For hilarity, listen to their classic comedy routines on:
Sibling revelry: the best of the Smothers Brothers
Sibling revelry: the best of the Smothers Brothers
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Old New Yorker Cartoons

On the beach a middle-aged woman is running beneath the shadow of a giant bird that is clutching a person. The woman yells "George! Drop the keys!"
This Peter Arno gem took me a minute:
At the opera, a Grande Dame turns to her husband and says "You have so got it turned off!"
I cracked up when I finally got it. We have several books with New Yorker cartoons, knock yourself out. With laughter!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
How Many Laughs
Many Laughs for Many Days. These are less like jokes and more like anecdotes. One of the shorter ones I could find:
Said the occasional imbiber to his friend: "Had a long serious talk with a barkeeper in a blind tiger today. Yep, I guess we must have talked half an hour."
"What did you find to say to him?" inquired the friend.
"Plenty. As a matter of fact most of the conversation was on my side. But he listened all right. I poured arguments at him one right after the other."
"Well, what did he say when you got through?"
"He said 'NO'!"
Oh, the hilarity. Now my first question was "What the heck is a blind tiger"? According to Webster's, it's "a place that sells intoxicants illegally." The things you learn from joke books.
p. 229
Oh, the hilarity. Now my first question was "What the heck is a blind tiger"? According to Webster's, it's "a place that sells intoxicants illegally." The things you learn from joke books.
p. 229
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Old Puns?

1. Dopey Dan is so dumb he thinks rhubarb is a French street.
2. When Papa Dionne found that he had quintuplets, he could hardly believe his own census. (Are these really puns?)
3. Editor, picking the phone: "City desk speaking."
Astonished Caller: "Yeah? What drawer?"
Ba dum pum. That's more like it. Now if she'd just left out the word 'astonished... A fun history lesson reading what passed for puns in the 50's. And hey! It's Read Across America Day - hug a book. Then crack it open and dive in. For more information, go here: NEA's Read Across America.
Astonished Caller: "Yeah? What drawer?"
Ba dum pum. That's more like it. Now if she'd just left out the word 'astonished... A fun history lesson reading what passed for puns in the 50's. And hey! It's Read Across America Day - hug a book. Then crack it open and dive in. For more information, go here: NEA's Read Across America.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Old Jokes Week
There's no stopping the cold, but we can still laugh, can't we? A-heh.
The multi-talented Bennett Cerf was not only a mainstay of the TV game show What's My Line. Among his other accomplishments, he published several joke books. Here's what passes for funny in Bennett Cerf's the sound of laughter: Lucille Ball, watching Dean Martin do a full hour's show on TV without a single rehearsal marveled, "That so-and-so makes cooked spaghetti look tense!" OK, that was a little funny. Is this one a knee-slapper? Sign at railroad station at Sandusky: "The average time it takes a train to cross this intersection is twenty seconds -- whether your car is on it or not." Ha! Ha! That Bennett knew how to pick 'em. This would be a lovely book for a day when you're looking for gentle relaxation. Ahhh.
Quotes are from p.282 and p.376
The multi-talented Bennett Cerf was not only a mainstay of the TV game show What's My Line. Among his other accomplishments, he published several joke books. Here's what passes for funny in Bennett Cerf's the sound of laughter: Lucille Ball, watching Dean Martin do a full hour's show on TV without a single rehearsal marveled, "That so-and-so makes cooked spaghetti look tense!" OK, that was a little funny. Is this one a knee-slapper? Sign at railroad station at Sandusky: "The average time it takes a train to cross this intersection is twenty seconds -- whether your car is on it or not." Ha! Ha! That Bennett knew how to pick 'em. This would be a lovely book for a day when you're looking for gentle relaxation. Ahhh.
Quotes are from p.282 and p.376
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