Remember when smoking was healthy (Santa Claus smoked!)? When Margaret Mead was cutting-edge? When Norman Rockwell ruled American magazines? No? Sputnik maybe? Even if you don't remember this stuff it was plenty interesting and we have the magazines that reported it as it happened. They give you a glimpse of American culture at the time. Well, at least the print media's idea of American culture. And for those of you finishing up your degrees that need primary sources, some of these may do the trick. Oh, who am I kidding? Mostly we just want to see those full-page black-and-white ads for cars with fins and push button starters. Cutting edge!
A selection of magazines and newspapers we have that are of an historic nature, housed at the Central Library, as of June 2008:
Ladies Home Journal: 1893 - 1908; 1911 to present
Life: 1883-1909; 1911-12; 1936-1972; 1978-2000
Look: 1938-1971
National Geographic: 1910 - to present
New York Times: microfilm1851-1870; microfilm 1939 - to present
Newsweek: bound 1933-50; microfilm 1950-to present
Scientific American: 1859 – present
Time: 1924- to present
Wall Street Journal: microfilm 1950 - to present