Where can I park at the downtown library? We hear this all the time, and guess what! We have an answer! The Central Library has an underground parking lot. Yes, it is clean and well-lit and you can park for 2 hours scot-free.
Here is how to get there:
1. You are driving west on
Grand Avenue, cause that's the only way Grand Avenue goes in this neck of the woods.
2. Stay on the
left (south) side of Grand.
3. Turn in the drive that goes to our
Pick Up and Drop Off Windows.4. Now the tricky part - do
not go back out to the street. Grand will beckon, but ignore her siren call and
keep turning right which will lead you down, which will land you in our parking garage.
You can do it! Parking is limited, so only people who are actually in the library can use the garage. But you will totally be in the library, and more often now that you know where to park. See ya!