Curbliners were like streetcars, but not exactly streetcars because Des Moines has had both in its long and varied transportation history. On Friday January 24th, 1964, the fine citizens of Des Moines got to ride the curbliners for the last time. Only two lines were running by then, the West Des Moines-Fairgrounds, and the University-Sixth Avenue. The following day two private groups, one from Chicago and one from Waterloo, chartered curbliner cruises. So out-of-towners had the last curbliner joy ride on January 25th. Afterwards, the power lines were cut and the curbliners were sold for junk. Isn't that one of the most heartrending things you've ever heard? Much sadder than the ending of Toy Story 3.
Source: Des Moines Tribune, 1/23/1964 p. 1
Link to Illinois Railway Museum site with photo of a
Des Moines curbliner. The curbliner is the vehicle on the left.
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