One the other hand, some meanings are less usual. In other words, my favorites:
Krupa "one with some real or imagined resemblance to a grain of barley." How do you look like barley?
Sikora "one with some real or fancied resemblance to a titmouse". Okay, looking like a titmouse seems a little more likely. Especially if it's 'fancied'.
Rau, Rauh "one who carried himself in a graceful manner OR one with unusual body hair" An unexpected pair of meanings.
Diduch "One likened to a good, helping gnome in Ukranian demonology". Cool!
There is nothing like having an interesting name, and congratulations to those of you who do! The Central Library has a copy of this entertaining book. It does not check out, but stop in and take a look. Or call us at 283-4152 and press 3 if you'd like to have us look up your name!
Source: New Dictionary of Family Names