And he is! There was quite the hoo-rah over Mr. Goldsworthy in Iowa in 2002. Goldsworthy had an exhibit at the Des Moines Art Center and the Center showed a documentary film displaying his creative process. Which occasionally involves holding a piece of ice until it melts into the shape he wants. Brr. It took Goldsworthy and a crew of Scottish wall builders weeks to create the cairn in Greenwood Park. Then there are the bonus 'open cairns' that surround it. I love those things, my goal is to be photographed in them once for each season. Some of Goldsworthy's work is meant to fall apart, which breaks my heart. They're so gorgeous. He had an amazing stick tapestry at the Art Center and I believe it is no more. Goldsworthy's leaf work can be shockingly beautiful, but he assembles it (on a river - it's just going to float away!) then takes a photo and leaves. ba dump bump. At least we have the photos. The library has several books on his work but
'Project' is new new new. So if you've seen the others, now you can immerse yourself in more!
Andy Goldsworthy
The Andy Goldsworthy Project
Source: Des Moines Register. Des Moines, Iowa: Dec 22, 2002. pg. O.4
Goldsworthy, cairn project as accessed through the Des Moines Register Database
(Des Moines Public Library Card number and PIN required for access)
1 comment:
That was a great exhibit
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