No less an authority than Cosmo says palm reading is hot right now. Oh wait, I should clear this up. I am not talking about a small electronic device. Although you'd be amazed how many articles on those gadgets are listed under 'Palm Reading'. I refer to the art of using the lines on a person's hand to tell their future. Apparently business is good for psychics now. Maybe because the palm reader is one of the few people who will most likely give you good news. What are you paying them for, anyway? Their time and expertise, that's what.
In England you can have your palm read by phone after downloading the required application. The phone takes a picture of you palm, the palmist reads the hand in the photo, you get an answer. Is there nothing a cell phone can't do? So if you send a photo of your palm with your Palm phone you get a Palm palm reading. Perfect for cheerleaders. Sound it out.
RCR Wireless News; 4/4/2005, Vol. 24 Issue 14, p16-16, 1/9p
Cosmopolitan; Apr2010, Vol. 248 Issue 4, p214-214, 1p,
Both as accessed through
Palmistry Resources
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