The lady in the middle has a cape anyway. Perhaps inspired by a certain superhero? Wonder Woman debuted in 1941 as the creation of William Moulton Marston. The same William Moulton Marston who invented the lie detector. I kid you not. Didn't he give her a golden lariat that forces people to tell the truth? Nice touch, William. And here's a revolutionary concept for a comic book her message was that girls could do anything, they just needed the right training!! Yow! And then they could work good jobs in the factories while the men went to war. Her characteristics have varied over the years, but my favorite version of Wonder Woman is the contemporary one illustrated by Alex Ross. She is
big and
muscular. As befits a superhero. Help yourself to our fine selection of resources.
The supergirls : fashion, feminism, fantasy, and the history of comic book heroine
A list of Wonder Woman Books - click on the individual title for information
Source: Superhero History: Using Comic Books to Teach U.S. History. OAH Magazine of History; Apr 2010, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p41-47 as accessed through EBSCOhost
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