Monday, February 15, 2010

President's Day Stuff You Didn't Already Know

Two tidbits for you on President's Day:
The first time four presidents were all in one place was on October 8, 1981.  Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter met with President Ronald Reagan at the White House.  The three were on their way to Anwar Sadat's funeral, which President Reagan did not attend.  Instead, Al "I'm in charge" Haigh was in charge.  According to American Heritage he didn't treat the former presidents very well.  Read the article if you get a chance, it's a rare glimpse into personal presidential interaction.

Five Oval-Office-occupiers showed up for the funeral of former President Richard Nixon on April 28, 1994.  President Bill Clinton and former presidents George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, and Gerald Ford were all in attendance.  As you can imagine the Secret Service was out in force.  Here are the code names used that day:  Timberwolf - George Bush; Rawhide - Ronald Reagan; Deacon - Jimmy Carter; Passkey - Gerald Ford; Eagle - Bill Clinton.  Passkey?  That one I don't get.

American Heritage; Aug/Sep2006, Vol. 57 Issue 4, p60-68, as accessed through EBSCO Host
Des Moines Register April 28, 1994 p. 2A

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