The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume 2A , as chosen by the Science Fiction Writers of America in 1973. Snappy title, isn't it? And the works are actually older, because SFWA (excellent acronym) wanted to acknowledge great novellas written before 1965, when the Nebula Awards were first conferred. They were not fooling around.
Who Goes There is the basis for the movie
The Thing and every claustrophobic tale that asks the question 'Which one of us is the alien?' and answers the question with a round of very tense blood tests.
Vintage Season is one of the most poignant stories you'll ever read. And as you know, SF and poignant are not exactly best buds. In
Baby is Three we meet a melded group of human beings each of whom is not whole person on their own. Amazing, original stuff. I should definitely re-read it. But I'll give you a shot first.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume 2A
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