We have the coolest maps on our website! They are named, euphoniously, Historic Tour 1 Map and Historic Tour 2 Map. Here is a link to the spot at which you can choose your tour:
Historic Places in Des Moines. OK, let's start with Tour 1 Map because it's staring us right in the face. I see an aerial photo of part of Des Moines with the street names added...but wait! Now there are blue place markers on the map! What could it mean? Click on one of them and you get a description of the the historical site and sometimes a picture. Is that not amazing? You can even get directions if you want to see the the site with your very own peepers. Or you can zoom right in for some details. If I weren't middle aged, I'd say this rocks!!!! But I am so I won't. Go ahead, do a little armchair touring. It's easy safe and fun.
Pictured: The "Shops Building" at 5th and Walnut
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