There were years in my childhood when, in November, my mother would make one of her very few craft projects. In my house we did not sew, crochet, knit, do needlework, quilt, or weave. Mostly we read. It's OK, I don't feel deprived. But get this. Mom would take the turkey carcass from Thanksgiving and boil the heck out of the breast bones. These she would spray gold then place a little Santa figure in the cavity. She may have rigged up something for reindeer and reins, that part has slipped my mind. But the sleigh I remember fondly(!) as one of the harbingers of the holiday season. Even though it still looked like a turkey carcass. Can you believe I couldn't find a picture of one to illustrate this post? I can. Believe it, that is. Here are some fun books that might give you a little flavor of the times:
Retro style : the '50's look for today's home Kitschy crafts : a celebration of overlooked 20th century craftsI like you : hospitality under the influence / by Amy Sedaris.
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