Remember those heady days when we got all excited about Space Shots? And this was The Big One! Humans would actually touch the moon, that source of so much mythology. Maybe Schliemann finding Troy could compare. Maybe. The Eagle landed in the Sea of Tranquility at 4:18 p.m. EDT 1969. Neil Armstrong set foot on the lunar surface at 10:56 p.m. EDT. This all happened a million years ago in American-Culture years. But I'm telling you it was a powerful moment. So why can't this post wait until July 2009, the event's 40th anniversary, I hear you say? Because I just found this really cool place on the Internet that has a copy of part of the flight plan for this mission. I couldn't understand a bit but it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. An artifact from a time when the nation stopped for a moment in proud astonishment. Can't wait for the next time.
ink to copy of flight planApollo moon missions : the unsung heroes / Billy Watkins ;I
n the shadow of the moon : a challenging journey to Tranquility, 1965-1969 / Francis French and Colin Burgess ;After Sputnik : 50 years of the Space Age
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I agree that the recommended book above, "In the Shadow of the Moon," is pretty much the best book out there to learn about the moon landings and the missions that led up to it.
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