Thursday, November 5, 2009

Water Program Saturday November 7

Here's a quote to wake you up: "Some river stretches, including the Skunk River south of Ames and Mill Creek south of Milford, carry almost nothing but sewage during dry weather.*" This is BAD. If you have an interest in the quality of water in Iowa, you may want to check out "WATER UNDER SIEGE: the Politics, Pollution and Commodification of Water. Explore the competing interests in water conservation, industry, and politics."  All ages as invited.  The program presents water quality documentaries plus question-and-answer sessions. At the Central Library, 1000 Grand Ave. Saturday, November 07, 9:30-4:30.

*Des Moines Register  Nov 1, 2009. pg. A.1
Photo courtesy Gerry Rowland - the Des Moines River, near Rutland

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is Gerry Rowland chairing the program?