What do you get when you cross a pirate with a tree? A larrrrch. A laurrrrrrel A poplarrrrrrrrrrrgh. Pathetic yet amusing. Here's something sweet they do for Arbor Day every year in Godfrey, Illinois: throughout the year the Parks and Recreation Department hosts a Memorial Tree Program that plants trees for people in honor of their loved ones. Mostly flowering trees are used because they're pretty! They're planted around a pond in Glazebrook Park. Then on Arbor Day tree lovers can stand around the pond and enjoy the pretty during a Memorial Tree Dedication. Sounds like a lovely way to celebrate.
If you are interested in picking out a pretty tree for your very own property, we have some dandy books.
Ornamental Trees
Source: Sentimental saplings: Annual Arbor Day event celebrates loved ones, by Jill Moon. The Telegraph, (Alton, IL); 04/22/2010 as accessed through Ebscohost
Graphic credit: Karen's Whimsey
1 comment:
This makes me excited for National Talk Like a Pirate Day, September 19th!
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