#1 Bible [various]
#2 Census [various]
#3 Mother Goose
#4 Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
#5 Odyssey by Homer
Now I don't know if they are counting every publication the Census puts out, but I'm still a little surprised to see that listed. Here is a sampling of books that Des Moinesians have enjoyed:
#2 Census [various]
#3 Mother Goose
#4 Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
#5 Odyssey by Homer
Now I don't know if they are counting every publication the Census puts out, but I'm still a little surprised to see that listed. Here is a sampling of books that Des Moinesians have enjoyed:
#1 Da Vinci code
#2 My life / Bill Clinton
#3 A child called it
#4 Eats, shoots & leaves: the zero tolerance approach to punctuation
#5 Dress your family in corduroy and denim
#2 My life / Bill Clinton
#3 A child called it
#4 Eats, shoots & leaves: the zero tolerance approach to punctuation
#5 Dress your family in corduroy and denim
What can I say? We care about grammar. In a big way. (Sentence fragment alert!) (Oops! That was another one ...)
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