Scads of information await you, jewel-like, through our Web Page. Have you ever tried this? Click on 'Search', in the upper left of the home page. Click on 'Recommended Links'. Scroll down and you can see a gathering of our links by subject. Sports, Calendars, Grant Seeking, wowee! These links have been chosen by our librarians, they're all good stuff. Let's start with something near and dear to our hearts - Iowa Authors! Look at all of them! Sure, not all of them wrote best sellers, but by gorn they got published. A favorite is Charles Tazewell, who wrote
The Small One: a Story for Those Who Love Christmas and Small Donkeys. Can you tell it's a children's book? The actual Disney film company made an actual film of it. Actually, it was a short film (25 minutes) but hey, it's a short book. If you see an author that piques your interest, just copy and paste their name into our catalog and see what we've got.
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