Friday, September 9, 2011

Grandson of Summer Movies

Hayley Mills.  That girl had summer living in her shining blonde hair. One of her lesser-known starring roles was in the turn-of-the-century confection 'Summer Magic'.  Highlights include a spirited rendition of the song "The Pink of Perfection" and bonus Jimmy Mathers, Iowa-born brother to You-Know-Who.  (Not Voldemort.) 

Fond Memories From a Staffer:   When Des Moines still had Drive-Ins, my younger brother and I went to the movies (in our pajamas) with our parents. Dad made kind of a “bed” in the backseat with a piece of plywood and a piece of foam with sheets and blankets on top of that. Mom made a brown grocery sack full of popcorn and we took a cooler of Kool-Aid. The kid’s movie was first - The Apple Dumpling Gang - and then we fell asleep while my parents watched the 2nd show.
Does this not sound wonderful and comfy?

In my home town if you had a coupon from the paper you could get into the special Wednesday Kid's Matinee for $.25.  I got to see:
Best 25 cents I ever spent.

Thanks to all the staff who contributed their favorites!

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