Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Don't Lose Your Marbles

Because they might be worth dollars and dollars!  Marbles are collectible you know.  And oh my stars and garters, they are bea-u-tiful!  Cool names for different kinds of marbles: 
Onionskin - archaeologists found one in an Irish 'privy' from 1850.  Do we really want to know that story?
Taws -  a type of carpet bowl.  A what?  Carpet bowls are ceramic and big - as large as 3.5 inches in diameter.  Guess what type of surface the game is played on.
Oxbloods - for their dark red color.  Only mildly creepy.
Clambroths - you're kidding, right?  Clambroths? Chicken broth not good enough? Clambroths have stripes of uniform thickness.  They bear no resemblance to a clam or a broth.

Source:  Collecting antique marbles : identification and price guide / Paul Baumann.
You might also like:  Marble mania / edited by Stanley A. Block.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you could do a post on the origin of "oh my stars and garters"?
