Don't you just love produce brand names? Well maybe not now, but they used to be mighty entertaining. Consider the DOMINATOR tomatoes. Imagine looking out your window to see these looking in. On the second floor! How about some Treasure Chest oranges. If you prefer your citrus well educated there were Alphabetical oranges. Pete's Best apples. If they were so good why did the Beatles drop them? No wonder fruit crate labels are so collectible. They're odd and colorful! They originated in California in an effort to put the Golden State's citrus on the map - and to identify the brands to buyers at Chicago produce warehouses. Where the fruit wound up when refrigerated cars were added to the transcontinental railroad. Transportation, transportation, refrigeration.
Source: Antiques & Collecting Magazine, Dec2010, Vol. 115 Issue 10, p20-24, as accessed through EBSCOhost
Graphic source: Dover Publications
Very interesting!