Monday, July 18, 2011


It's not just for schoolchildren anymore.  But for some adults it's just not worth doing unless it's competitive.  In the 1990's Robert Lang, a computer programmer, upped the ante by writing a computer program to help him figure out how to fold incredibly complex objects.  Others followed and now it's not unusual for an origami pattern to require 100 steps.  Who has the patience for that?  Well, Satoshi Kamiya.  The dragon you see took 40 hours to create.  He spread it out but that's an entire workweek.  Look at it.  Remember, no cutting or tearing of paper is allowed, only folding of square sheets of paper.  And for this work of art Satoshi Kamiya didn't even use his computer program. Personally I think it would have been prettier if he'd used some of the gorgeous origami paper that is available.  But maybe I'm crass. If you want to make say flowers and frogs and maybe chickens (wouldn't chickens be cool) take some of our books home with you after checking them out on your DMPL card.  The chickens await.

Origami Books!

Source:  THE EXTREME SPORT OF ORIGAMI. Discover, Jul2006, Vol. 27 Issue 7, p60-63, 4p as accessed through EBSCOhost.  DMPL card and PIN required for access.
Graphic Source:  Discover Magazine Gallery


  1. I would double check your source in the second paragraph it says, "Still, the reigning champion of intricate origami is a 23-year-old Japanese savant named Satoshi Kamiya. Unaided by software, he recently produced what is considered the pinnacle of the field, an eight-inch-tall Eastern dragon with eyes, teeth, a curly tongue, sinuous whiskers, a barbed tail, and a thousand overlapping scales. The folding alone took 40 hours, spread out over several months."

    It is a well known dragon in Origami Circles. Ryu-jin 3.5
    But you can see more of Lang's stuff at and more of Kamiya's stuff at Enjoy Folding!

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