Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Back to Work, Summer Style

Money magazine has some thoughts on how you can occupy the rest of your summer.  They suggest you start by checking your roof for problems.  That's why you bought those binoculars you've never used. Check your sprinkler system oh wait! I don't have one.  Check!  Clean the junk out of the bottom of your hot-water heater tank.  I had no idea this was an issue.  Apparently mucking out involves cutting off the power and draining the tank. Yikes.  And crawl around your house on your hands and knees looking through a magnifying glass to make sure there are no bug signs like mud tubes eeewwww around your foundations, windows and walls.  Then slather your deck in protective goop.  Your deck will thank you.  Not directly but it will leave little gifts at your door. We just want to ensure every waking minute of your summer is spent fixing something.  Hey!  How much are you sleeping anyway?  Just checking.

The Four-Season Home DIY Guide. Money, Jan/Feb2011, Vol. 40 Issue 1, p47-51, 5p, as accessed through EBSCOhost.  DMPL card and PIN required for access.

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