Friday, March 4, 2011

'What's Next' Revealed

We love the staff of the Kent District Library.  They're like our bestest friends ever.  Why?  Because they have produced the beyond-useful, transcendent even, 'What's Next' resource.  Do you read Mysteries?  Romance?  Science Fiction?  These genres are crawling with series.  Loong series, into the double digits.  Who can keep track?  Our heroes, that's who.  What's the third book in Diane Gabaldon's series of door stops, Outlander? Voyager. Oh no, I don't remember anything but the characters name, aaaaaaaaaahhh!!! Wait.  Just type in 'Honor Harrington' and you can get the books in both series featuring her. I can't promise KDL (we can call them that; we're buds) covers everything, but yowsa. And for series they don't cover you can ask us! We have our ways. Just call 283-4152 and press 3.
KDL What's Next

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