What are your favorite looove songs? Or are you lookin' for love songs in all the wrong places? The library can fix you up. Here are some of my favorites, in case you are overwhelmed by the options!
A House is not a Home Dionne Warwick. Lovely and melancholy.
Since I Fell for You Al Jarreau. Lovely and less melancholy.
I Would Die 4 U Prince. Bouncy! Speedy! Dancey! I would make a dwarf joke but Prince is pretty short so out of my great sensitivity to the issue I will refrain.
Maybe I'm Amazed Paul McCartney. So beautiful. Deep in requited love.
Total Eclipse of the Heart Bonnie Tyler. Yearning; Belting; Bonus Falsetto.
Just the Way you Are Bruno Mars. Unabashedly Romantic.
OK, now I have to go listen to I would Die 4 U. By the man who was born to text.
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