Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Iowa State Fair Contests - Cribbage Tournament

Sunday August 22 1 PM at the Youth Inn! You can test your cribbage skills against the rootinest, tootinest cribbage players in Iowa!  If only my Grandmother was alive, she would wipe the floor with y'all.  Yes, my family plays cribbage.  Intensely.  I never really understood the game, and looking over these rules of play at the State Fair Contest web site I am not encouraged to take it up.
Some Rules:
"4.  If your opponent misses points in counting, you cannot take their points. After hand is counted and peg set, you cannot take points missed; but, if you take too many, you must move back."
"10.  No helping another player count points unless you are personally playing that game."
"11.  Two points for a win; three points for a win with a skunk; zero points for a loss."
See, this is a tough game.  No helping!!!  Don't even try to take someone else's points!!  And you can have 3 points and still get skunked!  Cribbage is obviously not for the faint of heart.  But if you think you're up to it, be registered by noon.  I'm guessing they are not kidding around about that either.
Cribbage Tournament