Friday, June 10, 2011

Re-Minder: Pay Your Fees Online!

If you happen to have accrued the odd fine here and there, or lost an item or two, now you can take care of those online! Here's how to make the magic:
1. Get out your MasterCard or Visa credit or debit card.
2. In the blue box to the right on our home page click on MY ACCOUNT. 
3. Now click on the gray "Pay Fees" tab at the top. 
4. Click on "Pay from Credit Card".
5. Enter your complete library card number and PIN.  Your library card number appears on your card and starts with 2170400.  For many of you the PIN is the last 4 digits of your telephone number.
6. Click on Submit.

Now you are in Payment Land.  The total amount owed appears at the top.  If you don't want to pay it all at one pop, you can change the number in the "Amount to pay" box.
Fill in your card number, expiration date, Zip Code and CW2/CID number.  This last is on the back of your credit card and consists of 3 numbers.  Click on Submit.

Once the transaction is complete you have the option of printing out a receipt.  If you have made a partial rather than a full payment, the balance due will be included on this receipt so you get to see the amount still on your card. We are trying to make it easier for you to take care of your Des Moines Public Library card account online.  Just being helpful.  We wish everyone a fee-free life, but stuff happens. To all of us!

1 comment:

  1. I so enjoy these Random Acts of Information.
