Popular dogs. You know, the ones that hang out together at lunch, wear the right clothes, have perfect hair and go to each others parties. Here is a list of the most popular dogs in the U. S. Of course they were only looking at registered breeds, so that leaves mutts and mash-ups (cockapoos, anyone?) out. I thought I'd try to use the word 'mashup' before it goes completely out of style. Which I hope will be soon.
Most popular breeds by number of dogs registered:
(1) Labrador retrievers 100,736
(2) Yorkshire terriers 41,914
(3) German shepherds 40,909
(4) Golden retrievers 34,485
(5) Beagles 33,722
My personal favorites are:
Great Pyrenees; Labs; Corgis; Mutts/Mixes of the 'poo' variety; Yorkies. Ordinarily I'm not a fan of tiny dogs, but the little Yorkies I've met have been happy to see me without the yapping. And I got to pet a Great Pyrenees at the RenFaire. Heaven.
Source: Time for Kids; 4/24/2009, Vol. 14 Issue 24, p3-3, 1/4p, as accessed through